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A Survivor Reclaims Her Life for Christ


Updated: Apr 16, 2021

My name is Courtney and I work in direct care with the women who come to Wings. Some of the stories I hear break me and I must cry out to Jesus for strength; however, this story is different. This year for Easter Sunday, I was standing between two survivors of sex trafficking at church and worshipping our risen Savior together. I cried almost the whole service because I just couldn't believe how blessed we are to be able to partner with God in this kind of healing. What an honor. Humbles me to my core. THEN, the head pastor ended his sermon by asking anyone who wanted to make the choice to say yes to Jesus and what His resurrection means for their lives to stand and he prayed over them, asking Jesus in. One of the survivors asked me if she could stand and if I would stand with her. I literally got to stand next to this beautiful survivor, in my home place of worship, and pray with her as she reclaimed her life for Christ. On Easter Sunday of all days. Her words were, "I want something different for my life." This work is SO important. Everything, every moment, every conversation, every laugh, every moment of staying calm when you yourself start flooding, every shared social media post, every dollar given, every newsletter, every bit of ALL matters. I am humbled constantly to stand with my coworkers and volunteers, as well as givers, prayer warriors, whomever is involved even in the seemingly smallest way, and do this work. I'm convinced this is the most important work I've ever done, maybe ever will do. "Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will [s]he do, because I am going to the Father." -- John 14:12 I'm convinced the ministry at Wings of Refuge is some of the greater works Jesus was talking about. Rejoicing on this day that mournful Friday and Saturday are OVER because HE IS RISEN!! And how beautiful that I can now say those words for eternity. We cry for more of your presence, Lord. Only ever MORE of You to break these chains.

Courtney, Direct Care Coach


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