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Have You Met Our Board of Directors?


I have been a board member for the past five years and have had the privilege to serve as its president for the last three. It has been one of the hardest jobs I’ve had and the one that has brought the most joy.

A good board looks beyond the balance sheets and organizational policies and remembers the endgame is always about our mission: her, the one waiting for a safe place to rest, a caring staff to begin healing, and ultimately a Savior to bring new and eternal life. Our board meetings are characterized by intentional prayer, candid discussion, friendly conversation and a resolve to keep this ministry strong because traumatized women are depending on it. 

A good board of directors, especially for a non-profit, generally doesn’t seek recognition but a good board does deserve recognition. As I step away from the role of board president, I want to personally thank each of the current Wings of Refuge board members and share some insight into their unique blend of personalities and skills:

Jim Hobson, 7 years: if there ever was a board member like Gandoff of Lord of the Rings fame, it would be Jim; not in appearance but in sage advice and a patient spirit to listen to all sides before speaking his mind. His counsel has helped all of us stay the course.

Rick Bachman, 7 years: how many boards have a member who has the experience of a policeman and pastor all rolled into one? Rick has seen the darker and lighter sides of humanity and brings an honest and hopeful assessment of both.

Michelle Nederhoff, 6 years: Michelle carries the Iowa Falls foundational and historical perspective to our deliberations. I’m indeed grateful for Michelle’s insurance expertise; when the comparison numbers become fuzzy to me, she brings clarity, plus a bright smile.

Sarah Day, 3 years: Sarah, with her laptop companion and note-taking skills, serves us well as secretary but also by her knowledge of the Ames social services community. Sarah helps people in need in a variety of settings, not just at Wings.

Jim Baker, 3 years: Jim also studiously ponders on thoughts shared at meetings but boldly asks the appropriate questions. Jim reminds us of the need to be accountable and transparent in all we do, but especially with finances.

Deb Gordon, 2 years: Deb has a quiet inner strength. She has been involved with many ministries and is also a podcaster and former chaplain. She speaks softly but has years of acquired wisdom encouraging women and others to reach their potential.

Marty Martinez, 2 years: Marty is another pensive and soft spoken board member. His counseling experience shows as he listens carefully to board discussion and his answers are grounded in a deep understanding of trauma healing, the setbacks and successes.

Susan Parker, 2 years: Susan brims with energy and enthusiasm and has broadened our range as a board and a ministry with her business expertise.  She gives selflessly of her time and talents. Susan will be the new president and will bring fresh vision and leadership.

Perhaps my greatest contribution has been to connect these unique personalities and move our ministry from a tough season into one of celebration!


Kay Rice



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