There are many ways you can help by volunteering based on your interests, skills, and availability. You can end sex trafficking by supporting survivors at Wings of Refuge so they can live in freedom every day. We love our dedicated volunteers - come join us!

Read more below and
make a difference today!

Ministry Support


Help with mailings

Maintain property

Help with events

Lead a fun activity*

Make care packages
or freezer meals

Help with
home repairs
Requires Volunteer Training
attendance. Fill out the volunteer interest form to get on the list!
Requires Volunteer Training
attendance. Fill out the volunteer interest form to get on the list!
Join the House Supply Drive on Facebook
Join our House Supply Drive Group page on Facebook! We update here regularly with information on supplies needed, Amazon Wish list items, and more. You can help meet various needs and support the ministry with the click of a button!
Host a Speaking Event
Help spread awareness and support the ministry by hosting a speaking event at your local church or organization. Request a speaker for your event here!
Do What You Love to Fight What You Hate
What do you love to do? Can you do that and invite others to join you as you spread awareness, promote the ministry, and support survivors? Examples can be found here. Do something you love to fight what we all hate (sex trafficking)!
Distribute Brochures in Your Community
Women who are seeking safety and restoration after exploitation need to know about Wings of Refuge. You can help by distributing brochures to service providers, shelters, and healthcare facilities in your community! Fill out the volunteer interest form and include your mailing address and how many sets of brochures you'd like to distribute.
How old do I have to be to volunteer? We encourage people of all ages to get involved but we require individuals to be at least 21 years of age to volunteer in the safe home.
Can men volunteer? Yes, we encourage men to get involved by volunteering at events and other projects. Due to the trauma the survivors have experienced, it can disrupt their sense of safety to have men in the home.
What is the commitment to be a volunteer? We work with each volunteer individually based on interest and availability.
Is there required training to volunteer? Yes, we require attendance to the Volunteer Training Day for certain positions, such as development support and volunteering in the home as described above.
When is the volunteer training? We offer volunteer training twice per year, usually in the spring and fall. Check the events page for upcoming opportunities.
Is a criminal background check required? You must have a background check in order to volunteer on site but not for the other volunteer opportunities.